
Measuring and sustaining impact

Create a community of practice and track metrics of success

Quantitative impact measurement – example of what to track

  • Organization name
  • Organization industry
  • Organization location
  • Number of employees in organization
  • Number of job postings shifted to be skills-based
  • Level of adoption of skills-based practices1 (job posting, interview guide, selection rubric, onboarding plan, progressions)
  • Number of positions hired using at least one skills-based practice
  • Number of roles employer expects to fill using skills-based practices in the next 12 months

1 (1) Will likely not use the practice (2) Might adopt in the future (3) Have a plan to adopt (4) In the process of adopting (5) Have the practice in place now

Example tools: Qualtrics
Example tools: Excel
Example tools: Google Forms

Qualitative impact measurement – capturing impact stories

Impact stories can be recorded through post-program interviews or centrally noted throughout the program as you start to hear the results the employer participants are seeing from the practices they have put in place

Sustaining impact through a community of practice

Once you have completed the programming with your employers, think about ways you can stay in touch and build a community of practice among employers, organizations serving job seekers, and others in the workforce development and upskilling community. Listed below are examples of how you might think about doing this

  • Networking events: create skills-based community of practice networking events or integrate the past participants into networking events of future programs
  • Additional resources: create a distribution list for any additional resources or local sourcing and skilling resources that could be helpful as employers continue their work
  • Community forum: create a space (virtual or in-person forums) where employers can check in as needed on the practices they are implementing